Busting criminals aside, Tirupati Urban SP Avula Ramesh Reddy had recently earned accolades for his sustained efforts and patience in dealing with the public during the ongoing lockdown The SP prioritised communication during the ongoing lockdown and was seen touring extensively and discussing the virusrelated precautions with the members ofChittoor district (pronunciation (help · info)), is one of the four districts in the Rayalaseema region of the Indian state of Andhra PradeshThe district headquarters is located at ChittoorIt has a population of 4,170,468 according to 11 census of India Chittoor district has many major temples including Tirupati, Srikalahasti, Kanipakam, and other templesSri Hari NarayananM IAS Collector and District Magistrate collectorchittooratgmaildotcom D Markandeyulu IAS Joint Collector jcchittooratgmaildotcom Vivekananda Bhavan, Vellore Road, Chittoor Tirupati Sp Ramesh Reddy Cracks Down On Sand Mafia Deccan Mirror Tirupati urban sp name ...